Integrate eSign’s API eSignature software for a smoother digital experience for you and your customers. Get in with us today to request sandbox access.
Synchronise your workflow with API.
Streamline your digital document processes, automate agreements, and enhance efficiency by integrating our secure API into your software.
Designed to meet your unique business needs, our API is the perfect tool for fostering growth and maximising productivity.
User friendly and accessible.
The E-Sign Developer Hub offers comprehensive guides and practical code examples, making it easier to integrate and address common scenarios effortlessly.
With advanced features and a built-in testing playground, you have the power and flexibility to customise your integration to perfection.
Secure and compliant API software.
eSign offers users full assurance that the API service they choose through us is secure to the highest standards and compliant with relevant laws and regulations.
Our platform features full end-to-end encryption that protects the contents of each document and the user’s sensitive data. Workflows can become disorganised and inefficient when you’re working with multiple different systems, but an API can solve that problem. It makes document management more effective and allows your team to organise their time more efficiently, which increases productivity.
API Documentation.
eSign’s developer hub helps make integrating and using the API software as straightforward as possible.
Through the hub you will be able to access links to essential documentation and reference code, in addition to the latest tools and SDK’s.
Create bespoke workflows to suit your business with a range of application integrations.
API’s enable you to incorporate more automation into your workflow for a more streamlined and productive document process.
With an API you can seamlessly integrate as many applications as needed into one, simple software, making it easier to organise.
Integrating applications allows you to give your customers a more user-friendly and smooth experience using your website.
An integrated API can be effective at removing barriers between your business and your customers, and encourage more visitors through greater functionality.
Through eSign you can have complete assurance that your data and communications are handled in a secure and compliant manner.
eSign’s API gives you the flexibility to form an integrated process based on your current or new applications to update your existing operations.
Discover eSignature solutions and use cases in your industry.
Simplify accountancy and tax workflows with digital tools, including e-signatures for tax documents, bookkeeping, with seamless software integrations.
Learn MoreeSign supports educational organisations with digital tools for enrolment, HR, financial aid, and other documentation needs.
Learn MoreStreamline financial agreements, speed up transactions, and eliminate manual tasks using secure electronic signatures and digital workflows.
Learn MoreeSign delivers comprehensive digital document solutions tailored for healthcare organisations, enhancing efficiency, accelerating processes, and cutting costs.
Learn MoreImprove compliance, speed up contract management, and simplify document processes with a powerful digital document management solution.
Learn MoreeSign powers digital transformation across various industries, providing tailored solutions for organisations and individuals.
Learn MoreCreate envelopes from within your existing system using eSign’s iframe functionality.
eSign templates simplify document signing for your business, saving time and resources. Easily integrate electronic signatures into your workflow, whether it’s contracts, agreements, or other legal documents.
The healthcare industry clearly recognised the need to adopt a digital approach to prescription processing, giving operational advantages, regulatory compliance and improvements to patient safety.
There has been significant time and cost savings on the sign-up process for new tenants as there is no longer a requirement for officers or tenants to travel to meet in a location to sign the agreement.
We have seen significant improvements in our pharmacy service efficiency since implementing E-Sign. The platform is user-friendly and has allowed our team to securely and reliably provide prescriptions for crucial patient medication.
An Application Programming Interface (API) acts as a software intermediary that allows various applications to communicate with each other. With an API, you can effortlessly and securely connect your business processes, services, content, and data with channel partners, internal teams, and independent developers.
An API provides customers with a range of well-integrated features that enhance both flexibility and convenience, making it particularly valuable when integrating digital signatures with other applications.
The E-Sign API enables developers to effortlessly integrate E-Sign’s electronic signature functionalities into their own applications. Through this API, developers can efficiently create, send, and manage documents requiring electronic signatures. It also offers features for tracking document signing progress and managing account settings and user profiles.
The E-Sign API offers an effective solution for streamlining the management of signed agreements. Developers can seamlessly integrate their systems with the API, which provides a dependable and user-friendly method to upload documents, initiate signing requests, send reminders, and gather electronic signatures.
To use our API, you will require an API key, separate keys may be required to access the sandbox environment. API keys do not expire unless you revoke them. Requests are authenticated using the ‘Authorisation: Token API_KEY’ header.
curl -X GET “” -H “accept: application/json” -H “Authorisation: Token API_KEY”
E-Sign uses standard HTTP response codes to convey the result of an API request. Typically:
Code | Explanation |
200 – OK | Everything worked as expected. |
201 – Created | The request succeeded, and a new resource was created as a result. |
204 – No Content | The server has successfully fulfilled the request and that there is no additional content to send in the response payload body. |
400 – Bad Access | The request was unacceptable, often due to missing a required parameter. |
401 – Unauthorised | No valid API key provided. |
402 – Request Failed | The parameters were valid but the request failed. |
403 – Forbidden | The API key doesn’t have permissions to perform the request. |
404 – Not Found | The server can not find the requested resource – the endpoint is valid but the resource itself does not exist. |
409 – Conflict | The request conflicts with another request (perhaps due to using the same idempotent key). |
410 – Gone | This response is sent when the requested content has been permanently deleted from the server, with no forwarding address. |
422 – Unprocessable Entity | The request was well-formed but was unable to be followed due to semantic errors. |
429 – Too Many Requests | Too many requests hit the API too quickly. We recommend an exponential backoff of your requests. |
500, 502, 503, 504 – Server Errors | Something went wrong on E-sign’s end. These responses are very uncommon. |
Our API lets you customise and extend the functionality of your apps to meet your unique business needs. Create efficiencies with our API, guided by our comprehensive developer documentation guides and code samples.
To access our API, the first step is to request an API token. Once you have the access token, you can test access to our API through our API Reference. The API Reference makes interacting with our API easy and intuitive.
Learn more about our API and set up your sandbox account through our guide.
To upload a document through E-Sign’s API you will need:
You will need to make a POST request to the endpoint https://${ENV}, providing the parameters mentioned above.
Visit the full guide for uploading a document.
To create an envelope in its simplest form, certain minimum parameters must be included in the body of the request. These include providing a title for your envelope, specifying the title and ID of the document to be added, and the name and email of the signer.
It is important to note that you need to upload the document to our system before adding it to the envelope. See the ‘How to Upload a File’ guide in our Developer Hub if you’re unsure how to do this.
Visit the full guide to see how to generate your envelope.
To sign a document within an envelope, you will need the following information: the ID of the signer (signer_id) and the ID of the document (document_id) that is to be signed.
To sign a document, make a POST request to the following endpoint, including the signer_id and document_id:
POST https://${ENV}${SIGNER_ID}/documents/${DOCUMENT_ID}
Replace ${SIGNER_ID} and ${DOCUMENT_ID} with the appropriate IDs of the signer and document, respectively.
Visit the full guide to learn how to sign a document.
The “Adding Fields to a Document Using an Iframe” feature allows you to embed an iframe within your application, giving you access to our web application. This enables you to add fields to your document and send your envelope without developing a custom interface.
Visit the full guide to learn more about adding fields to your document.
Did you know that you can track and receive updates on the status of an envelope once it has been created, completed, signed, or declined? By setting up webhooks, you can monitor these events in real time.
Our webhooks guide will take you through the process of creating, viewing, and deleting webhooks using E-Sign’s API.
The “One Click Send and Sign” feature allows users to view a document, enter their information, click a single button to sign, and complete the process—all in just one click.
Visit our full Click to Sign guide in the Developer Hub.
OAuth2 is a robust and flexible authorisation framework that allows users to grant third-party applications limited access to their resources on the E-Sign platform without exposing their credentials.
By using the authorisation code grant flow, OAuth2 enables secure, delegated access where users can authorise an application to act on their behalf, ensuring that the application only accesses what is necessary and within the permissions granted.
Learn everything you need to know about using OAuth, including creating an OAuth app and requesting user authorisation, in our guide.
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