Complete documents faster and more efficiently with full compliance through eSign’s secure eWitness solution.
eSign’s eWitnessing service allows signers to identify witnesses without them needing to be physically present. This reduces document turnaround time and saves costs and resources for organisations that require witnessed documents.
After the document is signed, you can obtain a Certificate of Completion, providing essential proof of the signing and witnessing. This certificate includes details about the signing and witnessing parties, such as their address, email, IP address, and timestamps.
Streamline the witness process.
eSign’s eWitnessing feature lets users set up an envelope for recipients and assign a requirement for a witness to sign the document. The document’s author or signer can specify and input the witness’s information.
The process involves the recipient being sent the document via email, adding the name, email address, and phone number (for SMS authentication) of their witness, and signing it. After they have signed, the witness will be provided with a separate email, with a link to verify their identity through two-factor authentication. Following this they can add their details and signature.
Fast and secure eWitness signing.
The majority of documents in the EU that require a signature typically don’t need to be witnessed. However, certain industries that regularly handle sensitive documents, such as the legal sector, will request a witness for extra security and assurance that the document has been signed by the right person. One example in which a witness is usually needed is a deed execution. Deeds can be used for multiple legal documents including:
Legally binding witness eSignatures.
We continually strive to maintain the highest level of compliance with all laws and regulations for full legal validity in our electronic signature services.
Relevant guidance states that for a witness to successfully eSign a deed, they must receive it through their own email address, and enter a six digit one-time passcode sent to their mobile number. When they sign the document, the device used, browser, version and IP address are used to determine the date, time, and location of the eWitness signature.
It has been concluded that deeds can be both signed and witnessed using a valid electronic signature platform. eSign’s secure and user-friendly system allows documents to be signed and eWitnessed in a fast and efficient way.
Our secure platform enables you to apply an encrypted electronic signature with two-factor authentication, ensuring the signature’s authenticity.
Create bespoke workflows to suit your business with a range of application integrations.
eSign is flexible and easy to use, allowing documents to be created, signed, and witnessed in a way that fits your business practices and compliance.
Having a digital document process ensures document completion is achieved quicker than on paper. This is due to the signer and witness being able to sign in just a few clicks.
eSign operates to the highest standards of security and identity verification in accordance with the eIDAS regulation, ensuring fully legally binding signatures.
Our completion certificate captures key identifiers about the eWitness such as their location and IP address. This can provide evidence of the transaction in a legal setting.
Paper-based witnessing can lead to a lot of back and forth. eSign’s platform avoids this, improves collaboration, and reduces NIGO returns on documents.
eWitnessing can form part of a fully digital solution, reducing the need for paper and therefore paper waste.
Discover eSignature solutions and use cases in your industry.
Streamline financial agreements, speed up transactions, and eliminate manual tasks using secure electronic signatures and digital workflows.
Learn MoreeSign supports educational organisations with digital tools for enrolment, HR, financial aid, and other documentation needs.
Learn MoreeSign delivers comprehensive digital document solutions tailored for healthcare organisations, enhancing efficiency, accelerating processes, and cutting costs.
Learn MoreSimplify accountancy and tax workflows with digital tools, including e-signatures for tax documents, bookkeeping, with seamless software integrations.
Learn MoreImprove compliance, speed up contract management, and simplify document processes with a powerful digital document management solution.
Learn MoreeSign powers digital transformation across various industries, providing tailored solutions for organisations and individuals.
Learn MoreThe healthcare industry clearly recognised the need to adopt a digital approach to prescription processing, giving operational advantages, regulatory compliance and improvements to patient safety.
There has been significant time and cost savings on the sign-up process for new tenants as there is no longer a requirement for officers or tenants to travel to meet in a location to sign the agreement.
We have seen significant improvements in our pharmacy service efficiency since implementing E-Sign. The platform is user-friendly and has allowed our team to securely and reliably provide prescriptions for crucial patient medication.
eSign templates simplify document signing for your business, saving time and resources. Easily integrate electronic signatures into your workflow, whether it’s contracts, agreements, or other legal documents.
The procedure requires the signatory to receive the document via email, enter the name, email address, and phone number of the witness, and then apply their signature. After the signatory has completed this step, the witness will get a separate email prompting them to verify their identity with multi-factor SMS authentication and provide their signature and details. Our technology records the geolocation, IP addresses, and timestamps of the signatures, ensuring verification of when and where each signatory was located during the signing process.
Yes, our platform is fully compliant with the Land Registry in Ireland, providing a secure and legal solution for property and land transfers.
Yes. There can be up to 2 witnesses per signer on a document.
Yes, under EU law, our e-signatures are completely legally binding and admissible in court, as they confirm the signers intent to sign the document. The signatures are secure and compliant to various industry-recognised standards.
If the author of the document does not know the identity of the witness, they can select for the signer to input their witness’ details, including their full name, email address, and phone number if two-factor authentication is required.
eSign eWitness is available on the Business and Enterprise Plan. Find out more about our plans and features here.
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